The most frequent call we have for dose modeling is to determine an electronic or optical device’s need for PolyRAD shielding.  To do this we need to know the following information:

- The total dose tolerance of the device
- The orbit the device will be in
- The duration of the mission

Other useful information:

- What is the thickness of the equivalent aluminum sphere used to represent the spacecraft.

- The outside dimensions and thickness of the packaging of the electronic optics,

- If the device is in a enclosure, then it’s dimension and wall thickness.

The latter three pieces of information are not critical, but do contribute to minimizing the amount of PolyRAD shielding that is required, which is important if mass is critical.

Perhaps you have other needs of modeling, such as verification or evaluation of your product.

Contact us.  We will be pleased to discuss your requirements.

Space Flight Dose Modeling

Electron and Proton Radiation Shielding


Dose Modeling for Space Flight



Gamma Radiation Shielding


Tissue Equivalent Materials

Dose Modeling for Electron and Gamma Exposures


Dose Modeling for Spacecraft Design